Tag: The Millionaire Next Door

Stepping Into The New Year With Meaningful Conversations (Ep. 7)

Stepping Into The New Year With Meaningful Conversations (Ep. 7)

As we look back to the past year, the knowledge gained from past experiences allows us to move forwards as we enter 2022.

In this episode, Robert Curtiss shares the discussions he had over the past year and what his company is looking forward to in the new year. He recounts personal stories throughout the year and what advisors and clients should consider as they move forward with their retirement and financial plans.

Robert discusses:

  • The value of meaningful conversations and advisor-client relationships
  • His 2022 company goals
  • How entitlement impacts wealth planning
  • The importance of including the entire family when planning financially
  • And more!


Connect with Robert Curtiss:


6. Goodbye 2021, Hello 2022!

6. Goodbye 2021, Hello 2022!

With 2021 coming to a close, we are looking towards the new year with hope — and walking along the path of our goals is an important part of our future.

In this episode, Robert Curtiss shares his personal goals and expectations for 2022. He reveals his hopes for his business, his advice to clients as the year comes to a close, and how he will personally close out the year. Rob also highlights the importance of personal health along with financial planning in the new year.

Rob discusses:

  • His personal goals for the future
  • His motivation in life and business
  • The purpose of self-care for yourself and others
  • Advice for clients as the year comes to a close
  • And more!


Connect with Robert Curtiss:

5. Do You Have The Right Financial Planning Process?

5. Do You Have The Right Financial Planning Process?

A solid financial planning process leads to financial security. 

But, who do you go to when you come across a step you are not familiar with?

In this episode, Robert Curtiss shares everything you need to know about his financial planning process. Revealing the insights he has gathered from others and their influence within his own process, Rob mentions how he works alongside key experts to create individualized financial plans for clients. 

Rob discusses:

  • The importance of clarity within your goals
  • Benefits of maintaining a support network outside of your business.
  • Who he calls upon for specialized situations
  • How he creates an encompassing holistic practice
  • And more!


Connect with Robert Curtiss:


4. How Self Care Can Improve Your Workflow

4. How Self Care Can Improve Your Workflow

Feeling tired midday is one sign that you don’t have a very good work/life balance. The same goes for your financial planning—burnout will impact the success of your plan. 

But, having a process is key to granting you the success you want.

In this episode, Robert Curtiss dives into the importance of having a process for your financial plan and your physical health. Robert provides the tips and tricks you need to function optimally as you balance health and work while planning for a secure financial future. 

Robert discusses:

  • The importance of maintaining consistency in your health and financial life
  • Reasons why a holistic approach can keep you financially and physically healthy 
  • How to optimize your sleep hygiene
  • The importance of balancing fundamentals with relative strength when investing
  • And more!


Connect with Robert Curtiss:


3. How To Reach The Peak of Your Wealth Management Pyramid

3. How To Reach The Peak of Your Wealth Management Pyramid

A financial plan needs to be tailored to your individual needs. 

If you’re wondering where to start and how to build your personalized plan, Robert Curtiss’ wealth management pyramid approach could provide you with the guidance you need. 

In this episode, Robert reveals how he has helped his clients navigate the different stages of their wealth management from the principles of creating a financial plan to the benefits of wealth counseling. Robert highlights how each step of the wealth management pyramid contributes to the development of your overall plan.

Robert discusses:

  • The building blocks of the wealth management pyramid
  • The holistic approach of SEIA’s wealth management process
  • Reasons why family involvement is crucial when creating a financial plan
  • The benefits of wealth counseling
  • And more!


Connect with Robert Curtiss:


2. From Prospect to Client – Welcome to SEIA

2. From Prospect to Client – Welcome to SEIA

Choosing your financial advisor out of the hundreds pushing their services can be daunting. What should you be looking for as a prospective client?

In this episode, Robert Curtiss shares how he works with clients, from the first meeting to building long-standing relationships. Robert discusses the lessons he has learned from clients and other advisors throughout his career, and the importance of finding the right fit for both client and advisor.

Robert discusses:

  • How he meets new clients
  • Why not all potential clients are the right fit for his business
  • How the pandemic changed the way he does business
  • The importance of continuous improvement as an advisor
  • And more


Connect with Robert Curtiss: