Tag: Financial Advisor

What You Should Know About ESG and SRI in Investment Planning with Sam Miller, CFA®, CFP®, CAIA® (Ep. 23)

What You Should Know About ESG and SRI in Investment Planning with Sam Miller, CFA®, CFP®, CAIA® (Ep. 23)

The idea of aligning our money with our goals is a common practice. However, the focus today is aligning our investments with what we are truly passionate about.

In this episode, Robert Curtiss is joined by Sam Miller, the director of research and marketing at Signature Estate & Investment Advisors (SEIA). Together they unpack the impact of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) and socially responsible investing (SRI) within portfolio planning and how personal beliefs influence investment planning.  

Sam discusses:

  • How the term ESG entered the mainstream media
  • The value of aligning our ESG and SRI investments with what we are passionate about
  • How to implement ESG and SRI investments within our portfolio 
  • What you should know about the different financial planning vehicles and their role in how financial plans are built
  • And more!


Connect with Sam Miller:

Connect with Robert Curtiss:

About Our Guest: 

Sam Miller, CFA®, CFP®, CAIA® is the Director of Research & Marketing and a member of the SEIA investment management and research department, where he contributes thought leadership and expertise to the due diligence, portfolio construction, and investment selection processes. He works closely with SEIA’s Investment Committee to formulate and communicate opinions on the economic and investment environment.

SECURE Act 2.0: Here’s What To Do Differently in 2023 (Ep. 22)

SECURE Act 2.0: Here’s What To Do Differently in 2023 (Ep. 22)

The SECURE Act 2.0 has brought significant changes to retirement planning in 2023 and beyond, especially in IRA and 401(k) plans.

In this episode, Robert Curtiss shares key highlights from the SECURE Act 2.0 and how you can use the new provisions to save in taxes, contribute more effectively to your retirement accounts, and improve your overall retirement picture.

Rob discusses:

  • How’s the SECURE Act 2.0 impacting required minimum distributions (RMDs)
  • When you might be able to accelerate your retirement savings
  • Legislative changes starting in 2024 (which you should start thinking about now)
  • Major changes around 529 plans, catch-up contributions, and Roth conversions
  • And more!


Connect with Robert Curtiss:

What’s Next For Retirement & Financial Planning (Ep. 20)

What’s Next For Retirement & Financial Planning (Ep. 20)

As time passes, client needs (and government regulations) surrounding retirement accounts change. 

So, what are some considerations advisors need to think about when it comes to building future retirement accounts?

In this episode, Robert Curtiss looks into the future. From company improvements to how government changes to retirement accounts will impact 401(k) contributions. Rob shares how he balances service to others with service to himself while still focusing on providing clients the financial care they need.

Rob discusses:

  • His approach to creating an impeccable experience for his clients
  • What makes him different from other practices
  • His focus on financial planning as the needs of his client base shifts
  • Ways the increase in retirement contribution will change retirement planning
  • And more!


Connect with Robert Curtiss:

Expanding Investment Opportunities Through Effective Tax Planning with Sam Miller, CFA®, CFP®, CAIA® (Ep.19)

Expanding Investment Opportunities Through Effective Tax Planning with Sam Miller, CFA®, CFP®, CAIA® (Ep.19)

Building tax strategies around investment plans provide a layer of security to reduce the cost of returns while allowing you to further invest that money.

In this episode, Robert Curtiss is joined by Sam Miller, the director of research and marketing at Signature Estate & Investment Advisors (SEIA). Sam unpacks the different types of investment options clients can consider, how they fit within portfolio planning, and the importance of including a tax planner in your investment planning.

Sam discusses:

  • His role at SEIA and his approach to portfolio construction and investment selection
  • How he separates alternative investments based on how fiduciarily responsible they are for their clients
  • What additional elements have opened up in the wake of inflation to diversify portfolios
  • Strategies to liquefy a singular long-term investment while avoiding a huge tax cost
  • The tax planning associated with capital gains and qualified opportunity zone funds
  • And more!


Connect with Sam Miller:

Connect with Robert Curtiss:

About Our Guest: 

Sam Miller, CFA®, CFP®, CAIA® is the Director of Research & Marketing and a member of the SEIA investment management and research department, where he contributes thought leadership and expertise to the due diligence, portfolio construction, and investment selection processes. He works closely with SEIA’s Investment Committee to formulate and communicate opinions on the economic and investment environment.

Looking Into The Future of The Millionaire Next Door (Ep.18)

Looking Into The Future of The Millionaire Next Door (Ep.18)

With everything that has happened in the past few years, financial planning firms have evolved — not only in the way they serve but also in where they are heading.

In this episode, Robert Curtiss explores the past and future of his practice. He shares some areas his firm has expanded on, touching on aspects outside of traditional finance, such as his podcast and all things client experience.

Rob discusses:

  • The elements he has added to his practice for the benefit of his clients
  • Ways he develops the relationship with clients to make the financial planning process easier
  • Some financial planning improvement areas he’s looking to focus on
  • A new way to look at actions taken today and how they will bloom in the future
  • What you should know about his practice management approach 
  • And more!


Connect with Robert Curtiss:

Facing The Investment Storm (Ep.14)

Facing The Investment Storm (Ep.14)

When the waves become rocky, clients turn to their advisors for stability within their investments. 

But what about financial advisors? How do they feel when faced with the same situation?

In this episode, Robert Curtiss shares insight into the role of financial advisors for clients, both in financial planning and as a pillar when the market becomes stormy. Rob unveils how he’s dealing with the current state of the economy as a person and a financial professional.

Rob discusses:

  • What types of conversations are advisors having with clients
  • The opportunity in unpredictable market waves
  • The role of financial advisors as a pillar within future client plans beyond their financial planning
  • What keeps him up at night
  • The seven pillars of investment management 
  • And more!


Connect with Robert Curtiss:


The Guide You Need to Take Advantage of Your Retirement Planning Benefits with Kevin Manahan, ASA, EA, MSEA (Ep.13)

The Guide You Need to Take Advantage of Your Retirement Planning Benefits with Kevin Manahan, ASA, EA, MSEA (Ep.13)

How flexible is your retirement plan? Would you send money to the government or your employees? 

In this episode, Robert Curtiss is joined by Kevin Manahan, vice president actuary at CMC Pension Professionals. Rob and Kevin unveil their collaborative approach to optimizing  retirement plans for business owners and their employees with a focus on cash balance plans and taxes.  

Rob and Kevin discuss:

  • Ways they tailor qualified retirement plans according to client needs and goals
  • The role of cash balance plans when it comes to selling your business in the future
  • The benefits of working alongside specialized professionals to optimize different areas of your financial and retirement plan
  • How supporting employees through financial planning can provide tax savings
  • And more!


Connect with Robert Curtiss:

Connect with Kevin Manahan:

About Our Guest:

Kevin Manahan is an enrolled actuary (EA) as well as a member of the Society of Actuaries (SOA) and the American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries (ASPPA). Kevin has been involved in reviewing EA enrollment exams for the Joint Board for Enrolled Actuaries. He has also spoken and conducted seminars for CPAs, brokers, and insurance clients.

Finding The Right Fit (Ep. 12)

Finding The Right Fit (Ep. 12)

Finding the right financial advisor who understands each individual needs can be a challenge for clients. 

Learn how Signature Estate and Investment Advisors (SEIA) creates an effective strategy when meeting potential clients in this week’s episode of The Millionaire Next Door.

This week, Robert Curtiss shares his approach to finding the right client and building relationships to benefit their financial planning. He dives into the personal as well as the professional aspect of working with clients according to their individual wants and needs.

Rob discusses:

  • Key pieces of information he provides during the first meeting
  • What you should know about his FORM process 
  • How he adds value to clients through personal and professional experiences
  • His approach to preparing financial plans for clients and their beneficiaries
  • And more!


Connect with Robert Curtiss:


Financial Concerns For The Current Generation (Ep.11)

Financial Concerns For The Current Generation (Ep.11)

We hear about stock prices, inflation, taxes, and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine on the news all this with lots of numbers and information. 

Luckily, here’s where financial advisors like Rob Curtiss untangle the numbers to help clients move forward.  

In this episode, Rob dives into current world events, revealing their impact on inflation, taxes, and investment planning as clients shift their routines. He shares what his company looks for in potential clients, along with concerns individuals bring up during a single call-in.

Rob discusses:

  • What you should know about his objective, unemotional rules-based process
  • Current inflation compared to past inflation rates
  • His approach to working alongside potential clients 
  • Ways he determines if they are the right fit for each other 
  • Common client questions due to current uncertainty


Connect with Robert Curtiss: